Sunday, May 29, 2011


May 29, 1010**

Hello! I'm using this blog to track my experience getting and recovering from PRK. I've done a lot of research on this procedure, but being the more common option, there's a lot more information on LASIK than PRK and I couldn't find good, recent coverage
especially in terms of first-person accounts of PRK. So, I'm going to provide my own to record my own experience and for anyone else who might find this useful!

I'm going to use this post to link to specific entries regarding my laser eye surgery so that whoever is reading can skip to the specific parts they're interested in.

Thanks for coming and hope that someone finds this helpful in either making their own decision to get PRK or helping them through their own experience once they're en route!

**Note: I am not being paid or compensated in any way to endorse the individuals and clinics mentioned on this blog. I'm only reporting my experience as I undergo treatment for the sake of recording my own impressions out of my own interest..


Finding the Right Surgeon
(and details of the difference between LASIK and PRK)
Post-Procedure (by day)

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